Transport of patients by taxi Laci from Wörgl
With maximum driving comfort we take you to medical examinations, therapies or hospitals. Our friendly drivers are happy to take care of your needs and help you get on and off the bus or load your luggage. Punctuality and reliability are a matter of course for us.
Comfortable patient transport by taxi
We pick you up punctually from Wörgl and bring you reliably and safely to your appointment. It is best to arrange your patient transport in advance so that we can optimally plan the traffic situation and travel route and guarantee adherence to schedules. We will be happy to settle accounts directly with your health insurance company. Simply provide us with the transport ticket you receive from your doctor.
Taxi Laci
Personal support by taxi
With luggage, boarding and alighting or with a wheelchair, we will of course be happy to help you. We take our time so that you can get in comfortably and arrive at your destination without haste. The VIP taxi will take care of everything for you in Wörgl lean back in the comfortable seat and enjoy the anonymous and reliable ride.